Monthly Processing

  • Processing of salaries and wages, in the Job Register, according to data provided by the attendance software of the Studio;
  • The Company has at its disposition an active online reserved service for accessing all data already processed relating to their employees;
  • For the employees there is an online service in which their individual pay slips and C.U. are published;
  • Processing, checking and printing forms for social security contributions and personal income tax (IRPEF) on the unified payment form (F24) and provision of the relevant electronic files;
  • Processing and online submission of the monthly earnings via UNIEMENS form to the Social Security Office (INPS);
  • Preparation and submission of Private Pension and/or Insurance Schemes as required by the Collective
  • Contracts (CCNL);
  • Processing, checking and printing the Labour-Costs Sheet for the Accounts Department for the whole Company, a branch or a business unit;
  • Processing, checking and printing the deferred future costs sheet;
  • Communication of recruitment, extension/transformation and termination of contracts to the necessary office using the “Bussola” system;
  • In addition to the standard reports mentioned above we provide custom reports to extract specific information from the data in our possession;
  • Registration of workers to the Supplementary Funds provided by the National Collective Bargaining Agreement.