
The “Woman Option” is an experimental regime introduced by the Maroni Law (Art. 1 co. 9 of Law no. 243/2004), which allows women to anticipate the access to pension.

The ordinary rules provide an alternative:
– Completion of at least 41 years of contributions regardless of age and middle office (the “early retirement”);
– Achieving their age, which for women working in the private sector is 63 years and 9 months (64 years and 9 months for autonomous and 66 years and 3 months for public employees), together with 20 years of contributions.
With the ”Woman Option”, instead, the women members to possess obligatory pension contributions at 31 December 1995 perfecting the pension requirements identified by the Law above by 31 December 2015, or who have 57 years and 3 months old, along with 35 years of contributions, may anticipate the board opting for an allowance calculated entirely from the contribution method (more disadvantageous than contributory).
The deadline of 31 December 2015 shall be considered as the deadline to implement these requirements even if the relationship will cease at a later date.
For this type of provision remains in force cd “Floating window” according to which the amount is paid after 12 months (18 months for self-employed).