Annual operations

  • Preparation, compilation and checking of the 770 form in its SA-ST-SY-SS-SX parts with data managed by us during the year, and its electronic transmission to the Tax Office;
  • Filling in and submission of annual INAIL (National Insurance Office) reports;
  • Annual report of TFR (Liquidation) for the Balance Sheet;
  • Processing and supply of the Annual Revenue Form (CU) to the Company and its employees;
  • Management and placement of disabled staff (L. 12/03/99 n ° 68 and subsequent amendments);
  • Receiving the 730/4 form from the Tax Office and adjusting any over/under payments as necessary on the pay slip;
  • Providing annual statement of details of the gross monthly earnings for each employee;
  • Processing, checking and filling in F24 form for the deposit and balance of the Substitution Tax on TFR (Liquidation);
  • Useful data for the processing of the Corporate Tax Return forms, such as:
    • Tax wedge
    • IRAP (Regional Tax) deductions
    • Staff statistics for Sector Studies by the Internal Revenue Service