The draft law Stability 2016 contains several provisions on labor and social security. The most important news are shown below.
It has been confirmed also for 2016 contribution relief for permanent hiring though: the maximum exemption is set at € 3,250.00 on an annual basis (compared to the € 8,060.00 allocated for 2015) and for a maximum period of 24 months.
It was re-introduced the tax cut on overtime work and on the amounts paid as productivity increase: these fees are taxed with a Irpef rate of 10% for a total amount of € 2,000.00, referred to those employees who receive an income in the limit of € 50,000.00.
Another important measure concerns workers that by December 31, 2018 will mature the requirements to access the old-age pension: these workers will take part-time with a reduction in working hours between 40 and 60% without being penalized for the pension plan, as the INPS will recognize the notional contribution to cover the work-hours not performed.
In addition to the novelty above, it will be made operational for 2016 the seventh safeguard operation in favor of “esodati” which will have access to a pension based on the requirement of access prior to the reform of the pension system in 2011. It will be olso confirmed the experimental regime under Law 243/2004 (so-called woman option) for women who wish to leave the job with 35 years of contributions and 57-58 years of age earning a pension calculated with the contributory system.