Temporary layoffs: the new regulation has been operating since 24 September
The new act for social safety nets (Decree n. 148/2015) came into force on the 24th of September, 2015. Therefore, for the events of suspension or curtailment of activity occurring on or after that date will be applied new regulation. INPS, with the message 5919/2015, has made it clear that, instead, for the events preceding September 24 you will have to continue to apply the previous legislation.
The new T.U., art. 15, states that new applications should be sent electronically to INPS indicating the cause of the suspension or curtailment of time, the likely duration, the names of the affected workers and the hours required, by completing a form downloaded from the website of the Institute. Applications must be submitted within 15 days of the suspension or curtailment of activity. In the case of late submission, any wage supplements will not cover the periods prior to the previous week compared to the submission of the application.
INPS will still have to define the new procedure, as well as the transition between the old and new rules, with special circular.