On 26 September entered into force the Legislative Decree no. 150/2015, one of the last decrees of the “Jobs Act” reform. In particular, the new law reorders the discipline of active policies, namely initiatives to promote employment. Special attention is paid to the unemployed and the beneficiaries of measures for income support, which are supported through actions of guidance, training and placement.
The decree establishes the ANPAL – National Agency for Active Work Policies – which will be an autonomous institution, with legal personality, led by its own president and board of directors. The main goal of ANPAL work will be to coordinate the “National Network of services for labor policies”, formed by the regional structures specific, INPS, INAIL, by private entities authorized to intermediation, from funds trade (associations between representatives of workers and firms that finance training activities for companies), ISFOL, Chambers of Commerce, the Universities and Institutes of Secondary School 2nd grade.
The decree then attaches to the employment centers, set up in 1997 and then modified over the years, a key role of management and control of labor policy, which is no longer limited to a simply informative.
The centers are supervised by the regions and autonomous provinces assisting the unemployed, providing personal guidance, looking for a job, counseling and tutoring for those who want to open a business.
In order to ensure uniformity across regions, it is then provided an information system of labor market policies, which brings together databases of unemployment, the communications requirements (recruitment, transformation, end of working), and the data for active policies and all information relating to educational training. This information system, available in INPS, INAIL, Department of Labour and Employment Centres – and of course the worker – should be the “Electronic File” of the worker, a complete version of the training booklet and usable established by Decree. 276/03 .
Among the changes, it notes in particular how the definition of “unemployed” who, deprived of employment, must declare online portal on national employment policies to be willing to work and to participate in measures provided by employment centers.
The unemployed must arise to stipulate a service agreement (PSP), the definition of the profile staff employability, type and frequency of research jobs and contacts with the responsible business ( profiling operation).
The signing of the agreement is a necessary condition to ask the check of relocation.
The new rule indicates the specific duties of the job centers verification for recipients of subsidies for those who have lost their jobs (NASPI, DIS-COLL, ASDI) the participation of the initiatives provided from PSP.
In case of any unauthorized absence it is planned cuts in the provision of subsidies and after 2 or 3 absences, depending on performance, the decline from the full contribution and from unemployment for at least 60 days. The person is in fact no longer considered looking for work and therefore no longer unemployed.
For those unemployed recipients of hose reels with duration greater than 4 months, is recognized a sum called “check individual relocation” commensurates in relation to the personal profile of employability that does not contribute to income tax individuals, and it is not subject to any kind of contributions.